WeBeLos Wo ds

Redwood Empire Council - Pomo District

we hope you had fun today, even if the adventure was brisk.
you Entered the Prehistoric Park, doing so at your own risk.
in fact, until today, no one before had ever Dared,
we brought back the dinos, but you Scouts came prepared!
You carefully watched the teachings of each Troop's Tribe,
You learned from them, played games, & figured out their vibe.
Now decide which were you favorites, then visit, email, or call.
But unlike dino's, they hopefully won't roar, bite, or maul,
please visit multiple troops to ensure they are the right fit
all troops are unique, and your future success depends on it!
We hope you enjoyed the day, and would like to give you thanks,
but now you have a big decision... will you join their ranks?
troop contact info below:

Troop 16 Sonoma, CA
(Miwok District)
Scoutmaster: Modesto Llanes

Troop 32 Santa Rosa, CA
(Pomo District)
Scoutmaster: Ray Leonard
Troop 58 Santa Rosa, CA
(Pomo District)
Scoutmaster: Mark Abel

Troop 125 Santa Rosa, CA
(Pomo District)
Scoutmaster: Shawn Hanna

Troop 134 Santa Rosa, CA
(Pomo District)
Facebook: BSA Troop 134 (B and G)
Scoutmasters: Jackie Reece 134B Troop134@gmail.com
and Michael Pokinghorn 134G gtroop134@gmail.com
Troop 135 Santa Rosa, CA
(Pomo District)
Scoutmaster: Norman Eisley

Troop 707 Santa Rosa, CA
(Pomo District)
Scoutmaster: David Shenton

Letter from the Camp Director:
We hope this day event provided enough insight into the adventure of Scouting for both parents/guardians and their future Scouts, as well as a chance to visit with our area's Troops. Now that the event is complete, please reach out to and research all of your favorite Troops before making a decision to join one. Remember, proximity and "feeder troops" are convenient, but shouldn't be the deciding factor to which Troop is the best fit for you. You are unique, and so is each troop! Please visit all of their websites (above), call some Scoutmasters, go to a few meetings to witness their structure/style, and please please please join whichever one you found fits your needs, goals, and overall style the most! This crucial step is essential to your future Scouting success. Don't forget, Scouts is supposed to be fun, but it is also a commitment to yourself and your future, so choose wisely! Thank you again for joining us in....Jurassic Woods.
We spared no expense ;)