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WeBeLos Wo ds

Redwood Empire Council - Pomo District
2021 Webelos Woods
Theme: Jurassic Woods
Thanks for registering for this years event! Webelos Woods, is usually an overnight camping experience where Webelos are introduced to the adventures of Scouting. Typically, Webelos dens rotate through a series of Scout themed skill stations hosted by the Pomo District Scout Troops.
However, due to these unprecedented times, we hope this virtual experience will provide you a glimpse into potential Troops and still be just as informative!
Ensure to watch the entire video above, then click the"Enter the Park" link below (Open Nov 1st - Dec 31st) to be transported to a far off land of prehistoric adventure.For Webelos to earn the coveted 2021 Webelos Woods patch (Seen to the right), participants must view each video in their district to learn a scout skill, be introduced to the Troop, and find a clue hidden in the videos to solve the mysterious riddle! After you complete the virtual camp, please reach out to Troops to ask questions and research a few of your favorite Troops before making a decision. Remember, proximity and "feeder troops" isn't the deciding factor in which Troop is best for you as you can join any Troop you like the most! Every unit is unique and worthy of your investigation because finding a group that fits your needs, goals, and style is essential to your Scouting success. Don't forget, Scouts is a commitment to yourself and your future, and should always be fun!